Website Designing, Graphic Designing & Digital Marketing for Growth Oriented Organisations
Growing businesses from paper roots to established technologically advanced forces has always been our forte.
We set our sights high and we’re not afraid to defy limits because we always reach the top bringing our clients along with us.
Partner with Zimbabwe's Leading Technology ICT Experts
We believe organizations that effectively utilize their ICT Resources automatically become industry leaders
About us
Practical Digital Transformation Solutions That Deliver Enterprise Value
We are ‘next-generation’ technology Tech Savy Individuals, driven by our core value, that acts as our road map for the future and for our clients.
We love reffering to ourselves as “Your Unrivalled Patners for all your ICT solutions for your trade and industry”

What we can Achieve for your Organisation
Our Solutions are designed for businesses that want to achieve the following.
For 7 years, we has been transforming small and large enterprises around Zimbabwe and Africa by optimizing their business processes and implementing ICT solutions and installing a culture of continuous improvement.
Promote and Maintain Your Brand's Online Visibility
A combination of web marketing services, like SEO, Digital Marketing and Social Media Management will help your business achieve extraordinary growth and become an industry leader in days.
Maximise Your Profits as an Organisation
More leads. More sales. More revenue. That’s what we do. With a custom strategy, plus data-driven insights we’ll help your business impact the metrics that matter most, from traffic to revenue.
Professionalize Your Brand to Become and Industry Leader
A business is an abstract entity, which is brought to life by its Profesionalism. As you focus on your profesional side for the clients you already have, we will be focusing on the other profesional side meant for your potential clients.
Improve Organisation Communication with Clients
We are experts in providing effective communication solutions for businesses of any size and nature as we strongly believe that communication plays a major role in product development, customer relations, employee management etc.
Improve and Maintain ICT Infrastructure
Continuously-evolving technology and a highly competitive commercial world, demand for effective, stable and secure ICT Systems, we make sure you have the best, most effective and sustainable system at all times.
Get Guaranteed ICT Solutions to any of Your Problems
Tenfold offers senior expertise, gained during many years in daily practice. Knowledge and experience that has resulted from the use of the numerous information systems and related products in the course of years.
What Our Clients Say
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional services to our clients, but hey you don’t just have to take our word for it. Read what our clients have to say about working with us.
The Individuals at TenFold ICT Solutions has done a great job for our company.. From the time we started working together we have been receiving great support from you guys. Every inquiry we had you where there to respond and for any adjustments, you did them right away.... We will always refer you to some friends. Keep it up..
Mr Lamech Chibedura
Head Coach – Lamsy gymnastics

Selected Works
We don’t have to pick our best works as we give our best shot every single time. Here are just some of our stellar projects to help inspire your own.
We devote all of our experience and efforts to create innovative products that solve all digital problems of today and tomorrow.
You can measure the success of an entity by the number of customers who come back. 60% of our revenue comes from business with whom we’ve worked continuously for in the past 7 years. You can be part of that club!